Friday, January 31, 2014

More Snow?

Sure, why not more snow?  We've come this far we may as well shoot for the record books!  lol

With the impending snow we picked up a couple movies to watch this weekend since we'll likely not get out of the house tomorrow.  Oh well, I think I'll make tomorrow a real sleep in day.  I'm usually up before the break of dawn, but tomorrow I'll see how long I can stay in bed.  We'll see though.  I'm an "early to bed" person, but usually can't sleep much past 6 or 7 am. 

So another week in the books at work.  We had a meeting with the leadership staff this week and they talked about the outsource progress.  Bids have been turned in and now they're going through each one.  They'll have a decision by the end of February or first week of March.  They did mention there is a chance the outsource company will be giving a good portion of the work population a chance at a position.  That's good, hopeful.  They also mentioned there would be some guidelines for the stay-on bonus.  Not sure why that surprised me, but it did sort of.  I suppose it did because I didn't give it any thought, but thinking about it there should be some structure around the transition. 

No one else from management has jumped ship yet.  But we've lost a few of the hourly folks, some good people.  That makes sense.  By the end of this the leadership team will have their work cut out for them when there's going to be a good number of employees left who probably shouldn't be here to begin with.


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